We have received a larger-than-normal volume of communication from parents and guardians who are not seeing our School Messenger messages. This system allows us to communicate in bulk with our families and community members through phone calls, emails, and text messages.
Phone Calls
If you are not receiving phone calls, please make sure your number is correct with us in Power School. If your number has changed, please reach out to the building secretary to have your contact information updated. There are some phone numbers noted as blocked on our list in the system; you, as the phone owner, will need to unblock it to begin receiving voicemails once again.
We have found that sometimes our School Messenger emails go to spam or junk folders, even if they have not done that previously. Please consider adding [email protected] to your contacts or safe senders list to ensure inbox delivery of our messages. Again, some emails are noted as blocked in our system and you will be the only person who can unblock it. If your email has changed, please contact the building secretary who can update it in our system.
Text Messages
Only those who have opted-in to accept SMS text messages from our system will receive communication in this form. Please know that there is a severe character restriction with this format, so our texts are usually very concise while emails or phone calls provide more details. If you haven't yet opted-in to the system and wish to receive text messages when they are sent, please follow these steps:
1. Open a new text message and put 67587 as the recipient
2. In the body or message, type Y or YES
3. Send
That's it! You'll receive confirmation of your enrollment in texting. At any time, you can reply to one of our messages with STOP to opt-out. Please note that you can only sign up for texts with phone numbers that are listed in our PowerSchool system as a contact. It may also be helpful to save the 67587 as a contact number with our district name to more easily identify the messages received.